
Download player manual
FOR PLAYERS Short description of how to play Ecosim (DUTCH ONLY).

Download manual for building Ecosim landscapes
FOR DESIGNERS Elaborate description with a step-by-step explanation of how you can design your own Ecosim landscape (DUTCH ONLY).

Download manual designing modules
FOR DESIGNERS Elaborate description about how to develop a modules and programm target species. Developing a module requires programming skills and is not suitable for beginners (only for Ecosim 1.0; DUTCH ONLY).

Download controls overview
FOR DESIGNERS Full overview of the controls, buttons and functions in the scenario-editor (the programming- and building mode) in Ecosim (only for Ecosim 1.0; DUTCH ONLY).

Ecosim FAQ
FOR PLAYERS Frequently asked questions and answers for first-time players of Ecosim (DUTCH ONLY).

Possible background questions save the badger
FOR TEACHERS BADGER MODULE Some background (homework) assignments, plus the answers, about population biology to elaborate the badger module (DUTCH ONLY).

Save the badger ingame-questions
FOR TEACHERS BADGER MODULE Print-out of the questions asked in the badger module for homework purpose (DUTCH ONLY).

Save the badger ingame-questions and answers
FOR TEACHERS BADGER MODULE Print-out of the questions and the answers asked in the badger module (DUTCH ONLY).